Do I Need to Participate in HEDIS Data Collection?


Do I Need to Participate in HEDIS Data Collection?

Do I Need to Participate in HEDIS Data Collection?

As you know, HEDIS is a set of quality measures that are used to assess the performance in various dimensions of patient care and quality of service. It is managed by a non-profit, private organization called the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).

Why does HEDIS matter?

HEDIS is actually very important, even if the masses of paperwork and tasks seem insurmountable. The data that is gathered and analyzed every year is used to measure health plan performance. This can help monitor the health of a plan’s population, analyze patient treatment outcomes and various procedures, and provide external performance measurement that allows health plans to identify possible areas for improvement. Through HEDIS, we can discover gaps in healthcare network performance and work to improve patient outcomes.

Is my participation in HEDIS data collection mandatory?

HEDIS measures all have certain documentation requirements and parameters that are taken into account when a health plan is given a score. Requirements vary by health plan provider, but typically participation in HEDIS data collection is mandatory. This helps ensure that all state and federal regulatory and accreditation requirements are met.

Who can I turn to for assistance with HEDIS tasks?

If you are looking for help with your HEDIS tasks you can always turn to Datafied. With over 31 years of experience, Datafied has become a trusted name in the medical industry. Through our division HEDIS Nurses, we connect health plan providers with skilled chart abstractors that can help them comply with CMS requirements. Instead of falling behind on your HEDIS tasks, contact Datafied for assistance.

For help with HEDIS projects, contact Datafied today!

HEDIS is no laughing matter. It is an extremely important aspect of the healthcare industry and practices are required by their health plans to participate in HEDIS data collection. If you are a health plan struggling with your HEDIS work, Datafied is here to help. Since 1993, we have been offering quality and reliable HEDIS chart abstractions for health plan representatives. If you are interested in our services, contact us today at 800-765-7510.

To learn more about the reliable and quality document management and retrieval services that we offer, visit us on the web at Datafied.

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